Cellular and Pleated Shades
Cellular Shades
Cellular shades are a versatile design element that will fit generally in most style homes. Cellular shades are a great way to soften a modern interior and can update an older home with today’s modern appeal.
The honeycomb cell design of a cellular shade is the perfect vessel for dead air space which is an ideal insulator for your home. If you are really trying to boost efficiency, consider double cell construction saving you money and boosting the efficiency of your home even more.
Cellular shades offer a range of levels for light filtration, each room is different, each room should have the option for a level of the desired lighting to obtain the desired look and feel. Additionally, many cellular shades offer a top-down/bottom-up design. This feature allows you to choose the placement of the shade, so you can avoid direct sun rays but still allow natural light.